Types of Stress

 Types of Stress

1. Tensile stress (σ)

When the component is subjected to two equal pulls, the component tend to elongate due to the external force. The stress induced in the material is known as tensile stress.

L is the original length of the component

            δL is the change in length of the component


When the component is subjected to two equal pulls or push, the component tend to elongate or shorten respectively, due to the external force. Then the ratio of change in length to the original length is known as stain

stain (ɛ) δL/L
Stain has no units (Unitless)

2. Compressive stress (σ)

When the component is subjected to two equal push, the component tend to shorten due to the external force. The stress induced in the material is known as compressive stress.

3. Shear stress (τ)

When forces are transmitted from one part of a body to other, the stresses developed in a plane parallel to the applied force are the shear stress. Shear stress acts parallel to plane of interest. Forces P is applied
transversely to the member AB as shown. The corresponding internal forces act in the plane of section C and are called shearing forces. The corresponding average shear stress P/Area


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